Astronomy software servers

Ada in (Astro)physics
This page provides a set of programs of astrophysical interest written in the ADA programming language. These programs cover topics from LTE line syntehsis in rotating and pulsating stars, Continuous opacities for Kurucz and other atmospheres, Feautrier formal solver package, Zeeman-Feautrier and DELO polarised radiation formal solvers package, Zeeman pattern determination from spectroscopic terms, partition function package and other packages for graphical plotting and interpolation.
AIPS++ is a software package which will calibrate and image (primarily) radio astronomical data. It is being written in an object-oriented style using the C++ language. AIPS++ is being developed by an international consortium. AIPS++ is not yet of interest to users, although there are some email reflectors you may wish to join for information. A beta library release is available via anonymous ftp. This may be of interest to C++ software developers.
Analyz ( single-dish spectral analysis (NAIC )
ASSIST implements a uniform graphical interface to analysis systems, documentation, and other community memory.
Astro Space Center ( ASC )
The Astro Space Center as a branch of Lebedev Institute of Physics has a number of commitments for space experiments in the areas of upper atmospheric, solar, and astronomical research aboard Radioastron , Kvant and other space projects. Division scientists are involved in major research thrusts that include interferometric observations, studies of the solar atmosphere by using spectrographic techniques, and studies of astronomical ranging from the ultraviolet through cosmic rays. The division maintains facilities to design, construct, assemble, and calibrate space experiments.
Astronomical Data Center FTP Archive
CATALOGS: astrometric, positional, spectroscopic, photometric data. Cross-identifications, combined and derived data, non-stellar and extended objects, galactic, extra-galactic data, and miscellaneous data. FITS Table Browser software. E-mail directory. American node of Astronomical Data Centers.
Astronomical Dep. of University Of Thessaloniki
Astronomical Image Processing System ( AIPS (the Classic Variety) at NRAO )
The Astronomical Image Processing System is a software package for calibration, data analysis, image display, plotting, and a variety of ancillary tasks on Astronomical Data. It comes from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. It is primarily for Radio Astronomy. There is a Usenet newsgroup alt.sci.astro.aips that deals with AIPS issues and has occasional interesting announcements. There is an AIPS memo that nicely describes the AIPS software system (PostScript, 189404 bytes). It contains one schematic diagram of the overall AIPS structure.
Astronomical Software Directory Service ( ASDS )
Our goal is to help you find the astronomical software you need to solve your problem.We have several ways to help you look:A collection of user guides, programmer guides, on-line help files, etc: Package overviews, giving a general description, along with requirements, availability, and pointers to other sources of information:
Astronomical software on top of Linux
A list of astronomical software available on top of the Linux/Unix operating system.
ASTRONOMY on the Web
ASTRONOMY on the Web presents the contents of the current issue of ASTRONOMY magazine, previews the next issue, and highlights current and future sky events. Full text is available for featured articles, an introduction to the hobby, and guides to buying telescopes and accessories. It also provides links to many astronomical resources on the Web. Programs that appeared in ASTRONOMY are also available for downloading.
Astrophysics Data System ( ADS )
The ADS is a free software aimed at the Astrophysics community. It is a distributed environment that provides access to a variety of astronomical data for the scientific user community. At present the main emphasis is on making data collected by NASA space missions available to astronomers. This is being expanded to include access to data from ground based observations. The ADS provides access to over 190 astronomical catalogs and approximately 125,000 astronomical abstracts. It also provides direct access to the HEASARC Browse tool, NSSDC's Online Data and Information Service (NODIS), the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED), and access to SIMBAD (Set of Identifications, Measurements, and Bibliography for Astronomical Data). The user is able to access all of this information via a simple-to-use Graphical User Interface (GUI). Simply " point and click" to retrieve the information you need for proposals, research projects, or classroom assignments.
AstroVR serves primarily as a collaborative tool for researchers in astronomy and astrophysics. The goal is to provide a virtual environment in which researchers can collaborate almost as though they were in the same room. AstroVR features links to various software programs, such as ISSA-PS, SIMBAD, NED, MONGO, SKYVIEW, etc., and allows researchers to use these programs together in a shared environment, together with video, audio, and text. For additional information, please read the introduction.
Astroware 1 CD-ROM
Astroware 1: Astronomy Shareware & Freeware (ISBN 1-886376-03-4). This CD-ROM is the first to be released in a new series of space and astronomy related CD titles. Astroware 1 is devoted to shareware and freeware files on the topics of Astronomy, Amateur Telescope Making, CCD imaging and image processing. A wide range of text files and programs for DOS, OS/2, Macintosh, and Unix computers are included on this ISO-9660 disc.
CADC Services
The CADC tools package includes: starcat - STARCAT is a tool for accessing the HST Archive, CFHT and ESO archives. xhot - X tool which displays the planned activities of the Hubble Space Telescope. It allows you to find out what the telescope is currently observing simbad - The new SIMBAD tool now runs on your workstation. xmgr - This very nice interactive plotting package is now used for the Preview system whitin STARCAT. You will be amazed by its capabilities. Data display could be FFT'd, fitted, zoomed, printed, etc...
An IDL widget based CCD photometry reduction system
Center for Extreme Ultraviolet Astrophysics ( CEA /EUVE )
The EUVE Guest Observer Center provides information, software, and data to EUVE Guest Observers. The EUVE Public Archive is creating a set of CD-ROMs of EUVE observations. There is also an AnonFTP server which contains the publicly available documents from the EUVE GO Center, the IRAF/EUV software, and the publicly available archive data from EUVE. - README
CFD codes list
The CFD codes list contains an information about commercial and public domain software used in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics, e.g., PPM and Roe hi-resolution shock-capturing codes, FCT, SPH, and P3M techniques.
The list is posted on regular basis to the USENET newsgroup sci.physics.computational.fluid-dynamics.
CLOUDY - Photoionization Simulation code ( CLOUDY )
Cloudy is a large-scale Fortran code designed to simulate physical conditions in a broad range of astronomical plasmas, and predict its resulting spectrum. The Cloudy homepage provides pointers to the code and its documentation, along with related publications and activities.
CNIDR Isite is an integrated software package including a text indexer, search engine and Z39.50 communication tools to access databases. Isite includes the CNIDR ZDist, Isearch and Search API distributions.
Create your own Stellar Population ( Dial-a-model )
This form allows users to cook up arbitrary combinations of single-burst stellar population ages and metallicities. A grid of models is automatically consulted and properties of the requested population (integrated colors, M/L ratios, SBF magnitudes, and line strengths) are immediately returned. Optionally, the entire SED (spectral energy distribution) is sent to the user in a file.
Data Reduction Expert Assistant ( DRACO )
The use of large format detectors, increased access to very large astronomical databases, and other developments in observational astronomy have led to the situation where many astronomers are overwhelmed by the reduction and analysis process. Draco is a novel approach to data reduction and analysis which works in conjunction with existing analysis systems such as STSDAS/IRAF, IDL, etc. Draco takes on much of the mechanics of the process, allowing the astronomer to spend more time understanding the physical nature of the data.
DEC Archive
DEEPSKY 2000 ( Steve Stuma )
The ESO-MIDAS Courier is published twice per year by the MIDAS group of the European Southern Observatory. Contributions as well as suggestions and comments are invited and can be sent to the editor:
 Rein H. Warmels, Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse
2, D 85748 Garching bei Muenchen Email: 
In particular, authors of ESO-MIDAS application software that would be of general interest for the ESO-MIDAS community, are invited to make this software available.

If you want to receive future issues of the Courier, please contact the editor. More updated information about ES0-MIDAS can be obtained from the ESO-MIDAS Bulletin Board , which is also accessible via the USEnet News facility.

ESO-MIDAS Users Guide
ESO-MIDAS is the acronym for the European Southern Observatory - Munich Image Data Analysis System which is developed and maintained by the European Southern Observatory. The MIDAS system provides general tools for image processing and data reduction with emphasis on astronomical applications including imaging and special reduction packages for ESO instrumentation at La Silla. Volume A describes the basic MIDAS system with all general purpose facilities such as MIDAS Control Language, all available commands, data input/output (including plotting and image display), table system (MIDAS Data Base). Site specific features are given in an appendix. Volume B describes how to use the MIDAS system for astronomical data reduction. Application packages for special types of data or reductions (e.g., long slit and echelle spectra, object search, or crowded field photometry) are discussed assuming intensity calibrated data. A set of appendices gives a detailed description of the reduction of raw data from ESO instruments. Volume C gives the detailed description for all commands available. This volume is not available to remote users as the complete volume as it is accessed via the MIDAS GUI XHelp.
ETOOLS Project
ETOOLS is a NASA ADP funded software development project to produce a package of general purpose tools for use in the reduction of event data. The package is intended to be useful with event data from any source. In addition to applications for basic analysis, ETOOLS will contain software libraries which any interested developer will be able to use to extend the package to their own specific needs.
FIGARO Software ( AAO )
FITS archive documents database
The nrao-fits WAIS server supports searches of all of the text files in the entire FITS archive. " All" means everything -- READMEs, standards, drafts, overviews, and all of the news and Email messages in the traffic archive, even including the ASCII headers of the FITS sample and test data files. All of the Postscript documents are in the index too. The WAIS server enables users to search this huge mass of text for instances of any strings.
FITS Archive ( IAU FITS WG, maintained by P. Grosbøl (ESO )
FITS Information Archive
This is an archive for the Flexible Image Transport System [FITS], the standard data interchange and archival format of the worldwide astronomy community.
FITS Support Office
FITSview FITS image viewers ( FITSview )
The FITSview family of viewers for FITS format astronomical images are available for Microsoft Windows (FITSview), Apple Macintosh (MacFITSview) and Unix/X-Windows (XFITSview) computer systems. These viewers have easy to use graphical controls and will display astronomical images in the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) format allowing zooming, scrolling, modifying the brightness, contrast and pseudo color and allow determination of celestial positions and the physical brightness units in the image. Both standard World Coordinate System (WCS) and Digitized Sky Survey
Flexible Image Transport System ( FITS archive at NRAO )
Fortran-77 to Fortran-90 converter
FTP Software Inc
Innovative developer of TCP/IP transports and applications for DOS, Windows and OS/2
Grenoble Image and Line Data Analysis Software ( GILDAS )
GILDAS, the " Grenoble Image and Line Data Analysis Software" , is a collection of software developped by the Observatoire de Grenoble and IRAM, oriented towards radioastronomy applications.
Groningen IP SYstem ( GIPSY )
README Release 3.5: This document describes how to install GIPSY Release 3.5 on one or more of the machines mentioned below. Only on these systems GIPSY is fully supported. They are: Alliant FX80, Decstations, HP 300 series, HP 700 series, IBM/RS6000, Silicon Graphics/IRIX, Sun 4 systems (<5.0), Sun 4 systems (>=5.0), Convex C2 and C3, OSF1/alpha.
Grove Creek Observatory, Australia ( GCO )
Grove Creek Observatory in NSW Australia, specializes in CCD imaging and research. Accomodation available for visiting amateur astronomers. Has Mirror Site in USA.
Grup d'Estudis Astronomics ( GEA )
GEA is a private non-profit organization devoted to research in Astronomy. We are now deeply involved in Jupiter & Saturn atmospheric studies. Our members are also developing LAIA a powerful image analysis tool for MS-Windows, able to reduce CCD images of Jupiter, giving coordinates of atmospheric details. We are, among others, collaborating with the " Pic du Midi" observatory (French Pyrenees). From that observatory, our members discovered and tracked the last GWS (Great White Spot) in Saturn (August 1994).
FITSIO This directory contains files related to version 3.410 of the FITSIO subroutine package for reading and writing data files in FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format. Also: FTOOLS (FITS Tools) This directory contains the FTOOLS distribution file for Suns, DECstations, Alpha and VAX computers. Distribution for both the Public and Develop releases of FTOOLS are located here. This is also the distribution point for XSELECT as of the version 2.4c Develop release.
Image Processing CD-ROM
The IMAGE PROCESSING TOOLS CD-ROM contains a huge selection of files related to the topics of image processing, file formats and documentation, format conversions, specialized image processing applications, and source code for algorithms, converters, and complete image processing systems. The disk also includes a large amount of FITS information, CCD imaging software, and specialized astronomical image processing software.
Image Reduction and Analysis Facility ( IRAF - from NOAO )
The following resources are similar (same sort-key, different text):
Image Reduction and Analysis Facility ( IRAF )
IRAF is the "Image Reduction and Analysis Facility". The main IRAF distribution includes a good selection of programs for general image processing and graphics, plus a large number of programs for the reduction and analysis of optical and IR astronomy data (the "noao" packages). Other external or layered packages are available for applications such as data acquisition or handling data from other observatories and wavelength regimes such as the Hubble Space Telescope (optical), EUVE (extreme ultra-violet), or ROSAT and AXAF (X-ray). These external packages are distributed separately from the main IRAF distribution but can be easily installed. The IRAF system also includes a complete programming environment for scientific applications, which includes a programmable Command Language scripting facility, the IMFORT Fortran/C programming interface, and the full SPP/VOS programming environment in which the portable IRAF system and all applications are written.
IMDISP Software
Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics ( ITA )
Information about scientific activities and staff members.
Interactive Data Language from Research Systems, Inc. ( IDL )
IDL, Interactive Data analysis Language, is a complete package for the interactive reduction, analysis, and visualization of scientific data and images. Optimized for the workstation environment, IDL integrates a responsive array oriented language with numerous data analysis methods and an extensive variety of two and three dimensional displays into a powerful tool for researchers. IDL supports an extensive data import capability, publication quality hard copy output, and user-defined Motif graphical user interfaces. Users can create complex visualizations in hours instead of weeks with the aid of IDL's high level capabilities and interactive environment. IDL is useful in physics, astronomy, image and signal processing, mapping, medical imaging, statistics, and other technical disciplines requiring visualization of large amounts of data.
The pages include technical information about IDL, pricing and distributor information, a gallery of images that you can download, and links to the IDL ftp site. The pages are part of an ongoing project at the NASA Software Support Laboratory that is compiling information about a number of scientific visualization products.
IDL (ftp)
IDL Astronomy Library
IDL FAQs (frequently asked questions)
IRAF (Image Reduction and Analysis Facility) ( NOAO )
IRAF ftp archive directories. README = This file; ORDERFORM = IRAF order form, for mailed IRAF distributions and printed and bound versions of the manuals; REGISTER = IRAF mailing list and site registration; conf = November 1991 IRAF Conference information; contrib = Contributed software; docs = IRAF user and technical documentation; extra = IRAF add-on layered packges, fixes, etc.; v28 = The IRAF V2.8 distribution (partial); v29 = The IRAF V2.9 distribution; v210 = The IRAF V2.10 distribution; web = World Wide Web (WWW) home directory.; (there is an IRAF home page (preliminary) \}
Jandel Scientific Software ( Jandel )
Jandel Scientific offers PC-based software to aid researchers in many areas of astronomy and astrophysics. Jandel products include SigmaPlot graphics software, SigmaStat statistical software, TableCurve 2D and 3D curvefitting software, and SigmaScan image measurement and analysis software. In business since 1982, Jandel serves nearly 100,000 customers, many in astronomy and related disciplines.
Jiggle, a program for noninteractive mosaic assembly
Johnson Scientific International
Developers of the Satellite Visualization Tool and other astrodynamic analysis software.
JPL Molecular Spectroscopy ( JPL Line Catalog )
The JPL Molecular Spectroscopy Home Page is the starting point for accessing the JPL Submillimeter, Millimeter, and Microwave Spectral Line Catalog, which is a collection of predicted line positions and intensities for use in Astrophysics, Planetary Science, and studies of the Earth Atmosphere. There is also a collection of programs used to calculate the spectra.
The Karma package is a library and applications for Signal and Image Processing written by Richard Gooch.
KHOROS Software
Khoros is an integrated software development environment for information processing and visualization. Khoros components include a visual programming language, code generators for extending the visual language and adding new application packages to the system, an interactive user interface editor, interactive image display programs, surface visualization, an extensive library of image processing, numerical analysis and signal processing routines, and 2D/3D plotting packages. X applications built using the Khoros User Interface Libraries have built in journal/playback and groupware capabilities. Khoros is a Registered Trademark of Khoral Research, Inc.
Also see newsgroup comp.soft-sys.khoros .
There are additional Khoros anonFTP sites in CANADA, GERMANY ftp.rrz.Uni-Koeln.DE/graph/khoros, ITALY, JAPAN and UK
Linux for Astronomy CDROM project ( LfA )
The Lfa CDROM contains Linux versions of the following Astronomical data reduction and analysis packages : AIPS (radio astronomy and image processing) ASSIST (gui for IRAF +) glish (distributed processing) IRAF + contributed packages (general purpose) Karma (image processing) NEMO (stellar dynamics) MIDAS (general purpose) PGPERL (graphics) SAOIMAGE (imaging/graphics) SAOtng (imaging/graphics) StarBase (astronomy database)
The following resources are similar (same sort-key, different text):
Linux for Astronomy CDROM project
The Lfa CDROM contains Linux versions of the following Astronomical data reduction and analysis packages : AIPS (radio astronomy and image processing) ASSIST (gui for IRAF +) glish (distributed processing) IRAF + contributed packages (general purpose) Karma (image processing) NEMO (stellar dynamics) MIDAS (general purpose) PGPERL (graphics) SAOIMAGE (imaging/graphics) SAOtng (imaging/graphics) StarBase (astronomy database)
LISP-STAT code library
Completed, ongoing, or contemplated projects in Lisp-Stat, an advanced statistical computing environment based on public domain XLisp.
Massively Parallel Richardson-Lucy ( MPRL )
MPRL is a software package for performing spatially-variant point spread function (SV-PSF) deconvolution of astronomical images. Its development is motivated by, but its utility is hopefully not limited to, Hubble Space Telescope image data.
Mathematical Morphology
MathSource -- Mathematica Software ( Wolfram Research, Inc. )
This site contains all material available through MathSource. The General directory contains items of general interest to the Mathematica community, such as administrative info, MathGroup archives, Mathematica tutorials, MathSource information, utility programs, and Mathematica tips. The Enhancements directory contains items that enhance the functionality of Mathematica beyond the capabilities of the basic kernel. Items in the Applications directory deal with the application of Mathematica to specific problems or subject areas. The subcategories group related items together into manageable sizes. Subcategories under Applications include: Audio, Chemistry, Complexity, Computer Science, Data-Tables, Economics-Finance, Education, Engineering, Geography, Graphics, Life Science, Material Science, Math, and Physics. Books supplements, periodicals, journals, press-announcements, bibliographical information, Mathematica documentation, and the like are all stored in the Publications directory.
The Strasbourg astronomical Data Centre (CDS) is collecting modern media offering material related to astronomy and space sciences.
Microcomputer Image Processing System ( MiPS )
(this document is the announcement of a demo for MS-DOS computers)
Miriad Interferometric Data Reduction Package
Miriad is a radio-interferometry data reduction package, going from raw visibility data through calibration, imaging, analysis and publication quality output.
Munich Image Data Analysis System (FTP) ( ESO-MIDAS )
This directory contains: README = This file; 92NOV = Subdirectory containing the 92NOV release of MIDAS (only packages, patches and documentation); courier = Directory containing the compressed postscript files of the newsletter: MIDAS Courier.; calib = Directory with the ESO calibration files for MIDAS.; linux = Directory containing binary versions of MIDAS for PC/Linux.
Munich Image Data Analysis System (WWW) ( ESO-MIDAS )
ESO-MIDAS is the acronym for the European Southern Observatory - Munich Image Data Analysis System which is developed and maintained by the European Southern Observatory. The MIDAS system provides general tools for image processing and data reduction with emphasis on astronomical applications including imaging and special reduction packages for ESO instrumentation at La Silla.
NASA COmputer Software Management and Information Center ( COSMIC )
NASA Network Application and Information Center ( NAIC )
The Network Applications And Information Center (NAIC), located at Ames Research Center, was established in March 1993 to coordinate network information center (NIC) services for NASA. The NAIC mission is: (1) To facilitate a distributed system of NASA Center NICs. (2) To distribute and assist NASA users with advanced applications programs developed or supported by the ANA group. (3) To act as liaison between NASA and other government network information activities. (4) To foster the use of information protocols, standards, and procedures among NASA NICs that are conducive to quick and easy network access to online information resources. (5) To serve as a NIC of first and last resort for users at Centers without NICs and for scientists and educators coming from other networks. (6) To act as a high-level referral center for NASA information resources.
NCSA AipsView Visualization System ( AipsView )
AipsView is a tool for visual data analysis built at NCSA with support from the NSF/ARPA Grand Challenge project in Radio Astronomy Imaging, and in cooperation with the AIPS++ programming project. AipsView is a tool for two-dimensional visualization and relies on Motif and Xlib for its user interface and drawing capabilities. A companion tool for three-dimensional visualization, AipsView3, requires OpenInventor. AipsView3 is at an early stage of development, and is not yet described on these pages.
NCSA Software
NEMO Stellar Dynamics Toolbox ( NEMO )
NEMO is a Stellar Dynamics Toolbox with many programs to create, integrate, analyze and visualize N-body (and related) systems. In addition there are various tools to operate images, tables and orbits, including FITS files to import/export data to/from other data reduction packages.
NETLIB Software
Neural Network Papers
NovaWeb: The Nova Server
The Nova Server is a resource for professional and amateur astronomers interested in the fields of novae, supernovae, other cataclysmic variables, stellar evolution, gaseous nebulae, and/or Astrophysics in general. It includes a mailing list archive, related software, data and preprints. Please drop by!
NSI On-Line Network Aide - NONA
Numerical Recipes Software
Parallel Tools Consortium ( Ptools )
The purpose of the Ptools WWW pages is to provide information about the Ptools software consortium to the community. The on-line pages include up-to-date general information about the consortium, consortium project descriptions, meeting announcements and minutes, the email reflector archive, the by-laws, and pointers to other WWW resources.
Parallel Virtual Machine ( PVM )
PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) is a software system that enables a collection of heterogeneous computers to be used as a coherent and flexible concurrent computational resource. The individual computers may be shared- or local-memory multiprocessors, vector supercomputers, specialized graphics engines, or scalar workstations, that may be interconnected by a variety of networks, such as ethernet, FDDI, etc. PVM support software executes on each machine in a user-configurable pool, and presents a unified, general, and powerful computational environment of concurrent applications. User programs written in C or Fortran are provided access to PVM through the use of calls to PVM library routines for functions such as process initiation, message transmission and reception, and synchronization via barriers or rendezvous. Users may optionally control the execution location of specific application components. The PVM system transparently handles message routing, data conversion for incompatible architectures, and other tasks that are necessary for operation in a heterogeneous, network environment.
pgperl is a version of the Perl language which has available the PGPLOT FORTRAN library, a very popular package for plotting astronomical data.
The following resources are similar (same sort-key, different text):
pgperl ( - a graphics extension for perl - a macro language for pgplot - )
pgperl is a version of the Perl 4.0 language which has been combined with the PGPLOT FORTRAN library, a very popular package for plotting astronomical data. (As a glance through any issue of ApJ or MNRAS will confirm.) The details of this involve some complicated C glue routines but are transparent to the user. perl is a real C-like language with full control structures, and is very fast and efficient. All the power of perl (and believe me that is a lot) is available to extract data to plot from multitudes of files in complicated free formats.
PGPLOT Graphics Subroutine Library
The PGPLOT Graphics Subroutine Library is a Fortran-callable, device-independent graphics package for making simple scientific graphs. It is intended for making graphical images of publication quality with minimum effort on the part of the user. For most applications, the program can be device-independent, and the output can be directed to the appropriate device at run time.
PROS Software
Quantum Image Processing
Quantum Image, Image restoration software for Windows 95
Remote Proposal Submission Software
SAOimage Image Display Utility ( SAOimage )
SAOimage (pronounced S-A-0-image) is a utility for displaying astronomical images which runs under the X11 window environment. It was written by Mike Van Hilst at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in 1990 and is now maintained by Doug Mink. Image files can be read directly, or image data may be passed through a named pipe (Unix) or a mailbox (VMS) from IRAF display tasks. SAOimage provides a large selection of options for zooming, panning, scaling, coloring, pixel readback, display blinking, and region specification. User interactions are generally performed with the mouse.
Search and Retrieve Graphics Software and Data
SEDS - Internet Space Archive ( LPL/Arizona )
A large internet resource of Space related images, information and software.
Signal Processing Information Base ( SPIB )
a project sponsored by the Signal Processing Society and the National Science Foundation. SPIB contains information repositories of data, papers, software, newsgroups, bibliographies, links to other repositories, and addresses, all of which are relevant to signal processing research and development. For general information, send e-mail to containing the message: send help
Sky Online
Sky Online, a service of Sky & Telescope magazine, is designed for astronomy enthusiasts at all levels of interest. It features excerpts from Sky & Telescope and CCD Astronomy magazines, tips for backyard skygazers, reviews of telescopes and accessories, a weekly astronomical news bulletin, calendar of upcoming star parties and amateur conventions, downloadable BASIC programs, links to other sites, and more.
The SL9: IMPACT '94 CD-ROM contains a huge selection of images and other files related to the impact of the Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter. The SL9 CD-ROM contains hundreds of images, motion video sequences, and technical information related to the July 1994 collision of the Periodic Comet Shoemaker-levy 9 (1993e) and the planet Jupiter. ISO-9660 disc.
Sociedad Astronomica de Espan~a y America ( SADEYA )
Sociedad Astronomica de Espan~a y America WWW Information Service
Astronomy-dedicated server.
Software Support Laboratory ( SSL )
The Software Support Laboratory (SSL) archives and distributes software -- and information about software -- for space and Earth scientists.
Solar UV Atlas from HRTS ( HRTS data )
Through the generosity of Dr. Pål Brekke of the University of Oslo, the High Resolution Spectrograph and Telescope (HRTS) ultraviolet solar atlas is now available on the Web. Click here for more information.
Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System ( STSDAS )
This is a preliminary Mosaic document for the Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System. STSDAS is software primarily designed for reducing and analyzing data from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). This includes the same instrument calibration code included in the routine data processing pipeline. STSDAS also includes general-purpose tools and enhancements to IRAF.
Space Telescope Science Institute ( STScI )
STScI is responsible for the scientific operations of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). STScI is operated by Associated Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) under contract to NASA.
SPECTRUM is an IBM PC-based stellar spectral synthesis program. Given a stellar atmosphere model, SPECTRUM computes the LTE synthetic spectrum. This Web site contains an introduction to SPECTRUM, full on-line documentation, and access to the ftp site for downloading SPECTRUM and auxiliary files. SPECTRUM is being made available over the Internet for the purposes of research and education.
Spike Planning and Scheduling ( Spike )
Space Telescope Science Institute developed the Spike planning and scheduling software in support of the Hubble Space Telescope as a general toolkit for planning and scheduling under Contract NAS5-26555 with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. It is our desire that this toolkit be used to promote scientific research through the effective and efficient use of ground- and space-based astronomical observatories. By providing the Spike system to other facilities, we hope to develop a community of users who develop and use the Spike system. To the degree our resources allow, STScI will act as a clearinghouse for users, bug fixes, modifications, etc.
SSL software abstracts
WAIS index to the software abstracts maintained at the Software Support Laboratory (SSL), located at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado.
ST-ECF Astronomical Software Library
ST-ECF software library
WAIS index to all files in the software library of the Space Telescope - European Coordinating Facility (ST-ECF), which supports European astronomers in using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (HST).
An ASCII file based database management system with features for manipulation of astronomical data.
The Starlink Software Collection is an anthology of astronomy applications packages and supporting subroutine libraries and utilities. It is provided by the UK Starlink Project and contributing institutions, and distributed to non-profit making organizations for use in astronomical research. At present, the collection comprises some 140 different items covering most wavebands and branches of astronomy. Most run on popular versions of UNIX. Starlink sites in the UK automatically receive regular updates, while other sites may obtain copies of the collection (and updates) on request to
Starman - Crowded-field stellar photometry
Starman is a software package for:- Crowded-field stellar photometry Stellar photometry Image handling Table handling.
Statistical Sciences ( StatSci )
We're the developers of S-PLUS as well as developers and providers of a variety of other tools for statistical and data analysis. We strive to provide you with a variety of online information which will help you work more efficiently and creatively within S-PLUS.
StatLib Index
StatLib, a system for distributing statistical software, datasets, and information by electronic mail, FTP, gopher, and WWW. StatLib started out as an e-mail service and some of the organisation still reflects that heritage.
STSDAS help system index
WAIS index of all help files for STSDAS, the Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System, developed at the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD, for the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.
STSDAS help system
The World Wide Web version of the help information for STSDAS, the Space Telescope Science Data Anlaysis System, developed at the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD.
STSDAS source code
WAIS index of all spp (Subset Preprocessor) source code of STSDAS (Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System), developed at the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD, for the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. Archives
TCL Archives
Tcl is a very high level interpreted scripting language which along with Tk greatly simplifies the creation of graphical user interface. It has been ported to a wide variety of platforms and has numerous extensions for database access, client-server systems, and object oriented programming. The syntax is simple and easy to use.
These pages are an index to a set of TCL/Tk references on the WWW. The author has started off with pointers to the ones he could access from the TCL FAQ and added references as he came across them.
The Numerical Algorithms Group ( NAG )
NAG is a supplier of numerical, statistical, symbolic and visualisation systems plus compilers and tools.
TIM (Telescope Imaging Model) ( PSF software for HST )
TinyTIM PSF software for HST
Tools for Variable Stars
Database of useful programs to study variable stars. You can download the program from the FTP site. If you have some programs to add to the database. Email me :
University of Ljubljana, Astronomical Observatory ( Slovenia )
The Ljubljana Astronomical Observatory is part of the Department of Physics and is located on the hill Golovec close to Ljubljana. Observations that require dark skies are obtained at Crni vrh observing station where two small automated telescopes equipped with state of the art systems for CCD photometry are located.

Astronomers run university courses of astronomy for astronomers as well as physicists and primary and secondary school teachers. The Observatory has a public astronomical library. Research is in large part done in collaboration with the Astronomical Observatory of Padua. Reseach interests include general relativity, active galactic nuclei, close stellar binary systems, pulsars, comets and telescope automation.

University of Washington - Department of Astronomy
The Department participates in these major projects: Apache Point Observatory, Sloan Digital Sky Survey and NASA High Performance Computing and Communications. The HPCC Project offers the results of simulations including gas dynamics or just dark matter. Their software exchange contains N-body codes, tools for particle based codes, the Theoretical Image Processing System, TIPSY, and Lecture notes for introductory astronomy courses.
University of Washington - HPCC/ESS Project
The Department of Astronomy offers the results of simulations including SPH gas dynamics and dark matter. Their software exchange contains N-body codes, tools for particle based codes, and the Theoretical Image Processing System, TIPSY.
VISTA Software
Wavelet Information
WebStars ( Astrophysics on the Web )
WebStars, at NASA's High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center, is about astronomy & astrophysics; the Space Science Web Group; software & icons downloading; WWW technical pages & style guides; on-line articles about astronomy on the Web; HEASARC/StarTrax Browse and other online services; and virtual reality. If you have a document or resource you wish to be included, send me the text (preferably HTML) or a URL. WebStars is referenced by many other sites on the Web. It has been expanded and reorganised extensively since its first announcement in February, so visit again! The What's New page lists file change dates, to help you discover updates. Also, there are New Additions areas.
WIP is a simple to use command line user interface used to produce high quality graphical output. It is linked with the PGPLOT subroutine package providing easy interaction with those subroutines.
Xephem: An Interactive Ephemeris for X Windows/Motif ( XEPHEM )
Xephem is an interactive astronomical ephemeris program for X Windows systems. It computes heliocentric, geocentric and topocentric information for celestial objects. Xephem has built-in support for all planets; the moons of Jupiter, Saturn and Earth and Mars' central meridian longitude. Xephem supports objects in heliocentric or Earth orbit given the appropriate elements. Sample databases of over 16000 objects are included in the release kit. Xephem generates data in configurable tabular forms and in several detailed graphical formats. Xephem can plot and list all data fields and can be programmed to search for arbitrary circumstances. Xephem can serve as the control point for automated telescopes and can connect to auxiliary database servers in real-time via named streams pipes (UNIX fifos).

Updated on 96/9/16 8:38 GMT by Sergio Paoli